Malvern Concert Club Members get a reduced price of £20 per concert, or £80 for all 5 concerts.
If you don’t want to buy tickets online, you can use the form below to apply for tickets from the Membership Secretary. They will contact you to arrange for payment (by bank transfer or cheque).
The concerts are:
- Friday 7 June 7.30 pm: Quartets 1, 2 & 3
- Saturday 8 June 3.00pm: Quartets 6, 4 & 5
- Saturday 8 June 7.30pm: Quartets 7, 8 & 9
- Sunday 9 June 11.30am: Quartets 11, 12, 13 & 14
- Sunday 9 June 3.00pm: Quartets 10 & 15